Club Manager
Boat Club Articles & Links
Marina Dock Age©
" Innovative New Software "
April 2008 Issue
Marina World ©
" Club management scheme
boosts marina revenues "
March/April 2008
No. 48 Vol 8 Issue 4
Question: |
Why This Solution? |
The Simple Answer: |
Boat Club Manager was designed by Marina Operators
FOR Marina Operator. |
- Tested Under Real Marina Operations
Bartlett Lake Marina has been running & testing this
released version of Boat Club Manager for
their club, Bartlett Lake Boat Club, for years. Between
May 15th & November 1st the software has processed over
850 completed reservations without a single error. Total
reservation to date are greater than 1400. Boat
Club Manager has been tested and is ready to be
released to the public.
- Extremely Reliable
The entire software package & all updates are
thoroughly tested on a separate private computer network
before being release to all active boat clubs. All issues
that arise in any boat club are immediately corrected through-out
the network.
Our team actively hunts down all issues and takes proactive
steps to satisfy them before most boat clubs are even aware.
We believe this software is a tool use by you to run your
boat club efficient and it is our job to maintain the system
so that you can focus on your boat club.
- Simple Implementation
Boat Club Manager utilizes technology that has
been proven reliable and is available to 75% of all people
in the United states. Literally, a marina can implement
this software using any Internet enabled terminal, i.e.,
Computer, Laptop or even a PDA. If you can surf the web
you can use Boat Club Manager.
Plus, your members can make on-line reservations
24 hours a day, 7 days a week with only a few clicks of
the mouse. Bartlett Lake Boat Club has moved 100% of all
their reservations on-line and the members love it.
- User Friendly
If you can surf the Internet you can use Boat
Club Manager. All regular functions are direct
and intuitive.
Example: Bartlett Lake Boat Club's Manager logs into Boat
Club Manager each morning to review and print that
days reservations. Once that has been done, the employee
only needs to access the software to review or confirm any
late made reservations.
Using the Boat Club Manager system, you
and your employees ARE NOT stuck in front of a computer
or on the telephone for hours a day like any of our competitors.
- Increditable Support
Boat Club Manager was designed for marina operators
not software programmers, we understand that issues will
arise and the correction needs to be immediate. Standard
e-mail and phone support is frustrating, time consuming
& may require many calls to correct one issue.
This is NOT the case with Boat Club Manager,
our support team can review and make the corrections to
your account in "real time". This is done through
the power of the Internet, our developers created a system
which allows our support team to see exactly what your seeing
and effect the corrections immediately. It also allows us
to train you faster and more efficiently. No other boat
club solution can offer this level of support!
The program is easy to use and can be implemented into your
marina whether you’re at full capacity, low capacity,
competing with neighboring marinas or just want to make more
For instance, with our Boat Club Manager
program, taking reservations is 100% web based. This means
your members reserve on-line what they want for the length
of time, the database tells them what’s available and
sets up payment for you . . . 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You just view results at the end of the day or whenever you
want because the information is collected ‘real time’.
Prior to the web based software solutions, all reservations
were made via the telephone.
A single reservation could say take as much as three phone
calls to complete. The member would have to call to make the
reservation, confirm the reservation and possibly cancel the
reservation. Your office would have been flooded with calls
and that meant hiring someone full time just taking reservations
and answering support questions alone!
All that is now taken care of online.
Members can review a history of their reservations, showing
how often they are using the boat club.
Since it’s web based, you will always have the lasted
software updates to ensure the best performance. And if you
ever need technical support, we can see the exact same screen
and fix it faster and more accurately.